Monday 29 November 2021

Probe in Iraqi PM Assassination Plot Reaches Significant Leads

Probe in Iraqi PM Assassination Plot Reaches Significant Leads

Arab World

Baghdad - Asharq Al-Awsat
Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi. (AFP)

Iraq's national security advisor, Qassem al-Araji announced on Monday that the investigation into the failed assassination attempt against Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi had reached significant leads. During a press briefing, he said the probe has acquired evidence, but fell short of determining the perpetrators. Moreover, he added that the investigating team was surprised that the forensic evidence team had detonated a second unexploded ordinance used in the attack before it could lift fingerprints from it. The people involved in detonating the device have since been referred to the interior ministry, he revealed. Kadhimi had survived a drone attack on his residence earlier this month in what was seen as an attempt on his life. The unexploded device was found on the roof of his house the day after the attack. The investigation needs more time to pursue the leads to uncover the truth, stressed Araji. The team has managed to determine the coordinates from where the drones that targeted the PM's house were flown, he continued. The drones dropped two explosives on the house: one fell on the roof and the other in the yard. On the political debate the attack has sparked and the suspicions harbored by pro-Iran factions that Kadhimi had set up the attack himself, Araji said the investigators invite anyone to provide evidence. The team is carrying out its tasks away from pressure because this is its national duty, he stressed. The team has yet to accuse a party or suspect as it needs more time, he stated. The prime minister has ordered the team to be objective and professional and for national interest to be its ultimate goal, he added.

from Asharq AL-awsat

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