Sunday 28 November 2021

New Batch of Saudi Oil Derivatives Arrives in Yemen’s Hadramout, Mahra

New Batch of Saudi Oil Derivatives Arrives in Yemen’s Hadramout, Mahra


Riyadh - Abdulhadi Habtor
A worker sits in an empty petrol station in Sanaa. (Reuters)

A new batch of Saudi fuel derivatives arrived Sunday to the Yemeni provinces of Hadramout and Mahra, coming from Aden and offered under the Saudi Development and Reconstruction Program for Yemen (SDRPY). Hadramout received 11,300 tons of diesel, distributed to 8,300 tons for the coast and 2,000 for the valley, while Mahra received 4,000 tons of diesel to meet the supplies needed for electricity generation stations in the provinces. This grant is part of the fifth batch of the Saudi fuel derivatives offered to Yemen with amounts reaching 60,000 metric tons of diesel and 30,000 metric tons of fuel oil. During the first four months till the end of September, the fuel derivatives grant has contributed to providing stations with more than 417,000 metric tons of diesel and fuel oil and operating 60 electricity-generating stations to produce 1,232 gigawatts of electricity. It helped improve the general conditions in all health, educational and services sectors, in addition to increasing the operational capacity of shops, hours of electricity operations in the provinces and reduced the number of hours and frequency of electricity cut out, which contributed to realizing living and economic stability. According to official data, the Saudi grant also increased between May and September the average consumption for each subscriber by 30 percent, provided jobs for more than 2,550 Yemeni citizens and gradually increased the sale rate by 28 percent. Aden accounted for the highest rate with 52 percent and Abyan with 34 percent, which positively reflected in payments during the same period with a hike of 54 percent. Additionally, the transport and logistics movement went up by operating a total of 2,270 shipments. The previous batches contributed to operating electricity stations in various Yemeni provinces under the supervision and follow up of the fuel derivatives distribution committee depending on the needs previously made by the stations. The first batch had arrived in Aden Port on May 8, the second batch on May 19, the third on July 23, and the fourth on September 19. The four batches amounted to 417,000 metric tons, increasing the total supplies of fuel derivatives since the start of the grant to 507,254 metric tons. According to Yemeni officials, the grant has contributed to alleviating the burden of the Yemeni government budget, limiting the consumption of the Central Bank of hard currencies to buy fuel derivatives from international markets, providing jobs, increasing the production power of Yemeni citizens, developing the services of vital sectors, improving the living conditions of Yemeni citizens, and providing general services for the citizens. Saudi Arabia, through this grant, seeks to contribute to the stability of fuel prices, improving services in all vital sectors, developing the infrastructure and basic services in Yemen, limiting the recurrent power outages and improving the daily living of Yemeni citizens.

from Asharq AL-awsat

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