Tuesday 30 November 2021

'Happy Game' Is Not for the Faint-Hearted

'Happy Game' Is Not for the Faint-Hearted


Berlin - Asharq Al-Awsat
The game focuses on a young boy experiencing a severe nightmare. (Amanita Design)

A proverb once said: Never judge a book by its cover. Well, it also applies for video games…You should never judge it by its name because anyone who expects “Happy Game” to be light-hearted fun will be in for a nasty surprise, reported the German news agency. The game from developer Amanita Design – best known for family-friendly adventures like Machinarium or Samorost – is indeed not a happy game at all, but rather a horror adventure. The game focuses on a young boy experiencing a severe nightmare. Things he has lost like a ball or a teddy bear suddenly reappear in his nightmare, but to bring them back with him to reality, the boy has to go through absurd adventures and solve disturbing puzzles. When it comes to the depiction of violence, Happy Game doesn't hold back: blood, dismembered corpses, and even guillotines are all here and the many smiling faces and colorful bunnies do little to change that. And if the player makes a mistake, they may be sending the young protagonist to the afterlife. The game isn’t suitable for children, but those who like horror and over-the-top violence will likely enjoy themselves. "Happy Game" is available for Windows, and Macs.

from Asharq AL-awsat https://english.aawsat.com/home/article/3332931/happy-game-not-faint-hearted

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