Tuesday 20 July 2021

Search Journeys from Ancient Athens to Oslo, Paris

Search Journeys from Ancient Athens to Oslo, Paris

Book Reviews

Beirut - Asharq Al-Awsat
The Arab Scientific Publishers and Diraya Books released “Secret and Scandal,” a new book by Al Nasr Haitham.

The Arab Scientific Publishers and Diraya Books recently released “Secret and Scandal,” a new book composed of 254 pages, by Al Nasr Haitham. In one of its chapters, the book explores the stories of exciting search journeys that led to the discovery of a valuable secret. The journey-story starts in ancient Athens, five centuries before the birth of Jesus, passes through Baghdad, and ends in Oslo and Paris in the 19th century. There, the secret is unveiled, and the beautiful and amazing things in that tool are uncovered. Extract from the book read: “Since this miraculous creature found itself on this small planet, he felt an intense and uncontrollable curiosity to reveal the secrets about everything and everyone that surround him. Yet, the creature remained the biggest secret, as no one managed to unveil his hidden stories so far.” “The following saying of Imam Ali applies to him: ‘You think you are a small entity, but within you enfolds the entire Universe.’” In his long curious search journey, he found he has a unique power that enabled him to resist and survive on this planet, which has a constant conflict with the nature and some of its creatures. He also found that his gift serves several tasks, interests, and levels in intellectual, materialistic, and spiritual areas. All the directions led him to many routes, with some more attractive than the others. Along these routes, he discovers other secondary roads that attract him as well. But all what matters to him are the pleasure of discovery, and the benefit of creation and experience, which push him to do more.

from Asharq AL-awsat https://english.aawsat.com/home/article/3089501/search-journeys-ancient-athens-oslo-paris

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