Monday 25 May 2020

Qabalan Says Lebanon Sectarian Formula Has Ended

Qabalan Says Lebanon Sectarian Formula Has Ended

Arab World

Beirut- Asharq Al-Awsat
Lebanon’s Sheikh Abdul-Latif Derian at the Mohamed Al-Amin Mosque in the Downtown Beirut in the presence of Prime Minister Hassan Diab (NNA)

While Lebanon is busy solving its economic crisis through talks with the IMF for the first ever bail-out in its history, several sermons marking Eid al-Fitr emerged on Sunday carrying political messages, with some religious figures even criticizing the sectarian system on which Lebanon was established. In the first such powerful speech issued by the Islamic Supreme Shiite Council, Grand Mufti Al-Jaafari, Sheikh Ahmed Qabalan said Sunday that the formula on which Lebanon was established has ended. “We denounce injustice, corruption, and persecution, and categorically refused to accept a corrupt form of rule, unjust compromises, and power based on sectarianism and political opportunism,” he said. Qabalan called for dropping the sectarian formula, saying: “We confirm that Lebanon’s origin was on a sectarian basis, with the function of serving the colonial and monopolistic project, and this formula has ended, and what (first post-independence President) Bechara Al-Khoury and (first Prime Minister) Riyadh Al-Solh did is no longer suitable for the state of the individual and the citizen; it is a phase that has come to an end.” He urged the Lebanese to drop this formula, saying: “No to the Taef, no to the quota state and no to the quota system.” For his part, Grand Mufti of the Republic, Sheikh Abdul-Latif Derian, delivered the sermon of Eid Al-Fitr from Beirut in the presence of Prime Minister Hassan Diab. "We do not accept violating the constitution, nor marginalize the premiership or infringing upon the powers of the prime minister, not because it ignores the hierarchy of constitutional institutions and the rights of one of the main components in Lebanon, but because violating the constitution creates a political crisis," he said, pointing out that Lebanon has always been a pioneer in the coexistence of Christian-Muslim dialogue and cooperation for peace and security. The Mufti called on the government to "speed up taking firm measures and stopping the collapse of the national currency, because people are tired, and are unable to secure their livelihood with dignity, and cannot get hold of their savings."

from Asharq AL-awsat

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