Sunday 5 December 2021

Abul Gheit Calls on Revitalizing Arab-Euro Talks on Palestine

Abul Gheit Calls on Revitalizing Arab-Euro Talks on Palestine

Arab World

Cairo - Asharq Al-Awsat
Ahmed Abul Gheit and an Arab League delegation meet with European officials in Rome. Asharq Al-Awsat

Arab League Secretary General Ahmed Abul Gheit called Sunday on revitalizing Arab-European talks on Palestine. During a meeting with EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell on the sidelines of the Rome Med-Mediterranean Dialogue conference hosted by Italy, Abul Gheit asserted the importance of maintaining EU initial stances on the implementation of the two-state solution and establishing an independent Palestinian state on the 1967 borders. He called on Europe to play a more influential role to revive the Palestinian-Israeli talks. A statement from the Arab League general secretariat said the meeting covered a set of bilateral and regional issues of common concern especially the preparations for the sixth round of the Arab-European Ministerial Meeting, due to be held in Cairo in early 2022. It said the two sides tackled means of rendering successful the Arab-European round of talks in order to push Arab-European relations forward, the source added. Abul Gheit reiterated the importance of activating Arab-European consultations to bolster partnership and enhance coordination between the two sides.

from Asharq AL-awsat

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